Inquiry Science that combines computer simulations and real-world data.

MoDa (Modeling + Data) is a science inquiry environment in which students can create computer models using an easy-to-use block-based language, and validate them with real-world data from sensors, videos, or online databases. The project includes a free online environment, lesson plans for teachers, and other support materials for educators and researchers.

Try MoDa!

In MoDa, learners:



Collect Data

Create a Model

Compare Results

MoDa in action

Why is it important for students to create their own computer models, and compare them with real-world data?

Several studies suggest that when students create their own scientific models instead of merely interacting with ready-made ones, they learn more about the content and the nature of science. In addition, studies also show that when students can juxtapose their models with real-world data, they more effectively notice and attend to their differences. This leads to a deeper exploration of phenomena and more sophisticated models and explanations. [Check our research page for those studies!]